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Centralidade Halavala, na cidade de Bailundo – Angola, é mais um projeto #água da Owini

Halavala Centrality, in Bailundo city – Angola, is another #water project by Owini.
The new centrality, built by KORA will receive treated water through a water supply infrastructure (WTP) consisting of a water reservoir with a capacity of 4000 m³. The project also includes a #wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).

As the water infrastructure company at the Mitrelli group, we are always committed to delivering our work on time.
The Halavala project was completed in 2022.

Today it is possible to look back at the hard work and challenges and celebrate the achievements of Owini Bailundo Team during 2022.

Looking forward to the new challenges of 2023. Stay tuned!

Reinaldo Marimba
Nelson Fernando Estanque Travassos
Zafrir Vaknin

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