Our Projects

The Bailundo New Centrality Infrastructure Project is a water supply and wastewater treatment project located in the municipality of Bailundo, Huambo Province. The project involves the construction of a water treatment plant, a water storage reservoir, and a wastewater treatment plant. The project aims to provide drinking water to over 21,000 residents of the new Centrality, schools, daycare centers, hospital, and police station. The wastewater treatment plant is intended to treat the wastewater produced by the residents of the new Centrality.


The project faced several challenges during its implementation. The first challenge was the short deadline for completion while adhering to good construction practices. Another significant challenge was procurement, as more than 95% of the materials and equipment came from abroad, and the COVID-19 crisis and travel restrictions made it even more challenging. The construction of a concrete dam and a water catchment structure on the Colele river was also a significant challenge. The construction required diverting the river path during the construction period, which required creative solutions.


To tackle the problem of short deadlines for completion and delivery, the team worked doubletime to system for catching, treating, transmitting, storing and supplying drinking water, serving over 21,000 residents in the first phase. The team also tackled the problem of procurement of materials by developing professional relationships with government institutions during construction and these relationships spanned beyond the construction. The most prominent problem was the construction of a concrete dam and a water catchment structure on the Colele river and this was mitigated by constructing a cofferdam and diverting the river path during the construction period.


The project has had a positive impact on the population served. The quality and reliability of the drinking water supplied have resulted in a decrease in disease situations caused by the lack of high-quality potable water. The continuous water supply system in their homes has also provided a level of comfort that the residents had not yet experienced before the project was implemented. The project has contributed to improving the overall quality of life for the residents of the new Centrality, schools, daycare centers, hospital, and police station.